The Township of Llanfarian - New Medieval Roleplay World

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Ozwell Wayfarer
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The Township of Llanfarian - New Medieval Roleplay World

Post by Ozwell Wayfarer »

Llanfarian - Northern Port City of Credigion
Llanfarian, northernmost province of the Kingdom of Credigion. One of the many Kingdoms and Empires of Men, Elves, Orcs and other beings that inhabit this vast and largely unexplored world. This is the first of what I hope to be many areas of this world I am able to bring to life.

Map of the Northlands of Duin - Anno 577


Constructed primarily as a residential and casual roleplay world, the town has many locations available for you to relax and roleplay with friends. Or maybe you would like to settle down in one of the many affordable houses on offer. Presently the sim is largely unfurnished and houses are empty. Now construction is complete, my furnishing project will begin in ernest. Residents will have access to upgrades from the Worlds End store free of charge to use for as long as they reside on-sim, or to own personally at a deep discount.

Eventually the plan is for this area to consist of 4 regions. At present I am focused on getting the town into a finished state. All houses are complete and I am now in the process of straightening out textures and furnishing the houses. Eventually there will be farmlands and wildlands with dungeons and caves for adventuring in.

The Vision - The first truly open ended Fantasy world in the Metaverse
I have set some basic lore for the purpose of setting a general scene and getting peoples imaginations working, but I hope that the more advanced lore and world setting will be crafted over time as much by those that choose to become patrons of the world I create as by myself. My vision is of a welcoming and open community free of the elitism commonly found in traditional virtual RP.

I am also looking for landowners who would like to start associated realms which share the created universe. As I said, the universe is very flexible, so if someone wants to start a furry kingdom, or a Gor style realm within the universe, that is fine and encouraged, so long as players are free to move from region to region with minimal fuss, and nobody creates "godlike" races in an attempt to dominate. In time I would like to see thinks like shared quests, game coin and even events such as battles and sieges. Again, a system for working matters like this I hope to grow organically as the need arises and with the people that choose to be involved.

The idea is to eventually create a universe which is inclusive and vibrant and can expand or contract as needed, but with economic and social elements that tie everything together in a way which is fair and balanced and offers roleplayers the most choice.
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Re: The Township of Llanfarian - New Medieval Roleplay World

Post by Ozwell Wayfarer »

...and a bump because I changed the entire thread to something else ^^
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Re: The Township of Llanfarian - New Medieval Roleplay World

Post by Sin Karsin »

This project has a lot of potential and I look forward to assisting.

I also have been talking to Topa Adamski from TS-Creations, who in my opinion is one of the up and rising Mesh Fantasy Armor Creators in SL. I've convinced him If there is a substantial RP world established he's going to bring his Store over which would definitely Bring a great impact to the Kitely Market in terms of RP/Fantasy appearances. In case you haven't heard of Topa, here are some examples of his work:
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Re: The Township of Llanfarian - New Medieval Roleplay World

Post by Constance Peregrine »

Also, along the lines of that last comment, this guy might be contacted to see if more of his interests can be brought into Kitely, though he may wish to wait until HG is enabled even tho he is also in SL. [but roams the HG too] ... erid=gplp0
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Re: The Township of Llanfarian - New Medieval Roleplay World

Post by Ozwell Wayfarer »

Both great suggestions. We need some decent fantasy avis and costumes. That free avi Fred made is impressive. I can do weapons and armor at a push, but my weak point is the "humanoid" side of things. I'm better with environments.

I have been talking to the maker of my Dryad avatar Alia Baroque (Fallen Gods Inc) and he seemed rather open to coming and testing the waters. That would be a big deal, because he has skins for nearly every fantasy race you can think of and a few you didn't even know existed.
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Re: The Township of Llanfarian - New Medieval Roleplay World

Post by Sin Karsin »

Yea, Alia of Fallen Gods has a large following. Very unique and talented fantasy skin maker.
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Re: The Township of Llanfarian - New Medieval Roleplay World

Post by Ozwell Wayfarer »

A little bit of cross-postage going on here. :D

I migrated Llanfarian to a 2x2 megaregion today. More about that here.. ... 4&start=70


I have also prepared most of the basic furnishings for the houses. I wanted to take a moment to explain to people how they can own a house at Llanfarian.

Firstly, Kitely premium subscribers can take a house free of charge (though donations are of course welcome). Non-premium members must pay a flat-rate of 2 USD per month. This entitles you to use the housing system. People that commit to paying 6 months or more in advance get all furnishings in their house deeded to the as C/M items free of charge.

An important point to be made is that eventually, I hope to have a modular roleplay system in place. While for now there is no mechanism, eventually each house will be given a rent price in gold coin. The larger the house, the more affluent you must be. There will be plenty of opportunities to earn gold both combat and non-combat related and it will not be super-hard to make your rent each month. The aim is to encourage people to spend time on-sim and have fun alone or in company.

EDIT - A number of homes will of course be set aside for social places and "free homes". You can use these to RP in, but they will have no locks on the doors, no name-plate on the door, etc.

Some people who have been interested in houses have been a little off-put by the concept so I will state again that making rent will not involve loads of boring tasks, difficult to grasp concepts or taking hours of your time. Some houses will even get a bonus based on their function. So a farm will yield a random amount of corn each moth which can then be taken to a market stall and traded for gold (with an NPC). That corn then becomes available for other players. Thats just an example and might not be anything like what ends up happening, but it gives you an idea of the mechanisms being considered. Maybe it will just be a stipend of coin.

The core idea is that somebody who does not want to take part in any quests or roleplay can still just own a house in peace but still feed a little into the economic side of the game. Corn for example will have no use to someone not involved in combat, but for someone "questing" it might be a valuable ingredient for a health restoring food. I want Llanfarian, and the whole project I am tentatively calling "Open Kingdoms" to be a place where people can live in a fantasy world as well as play.

Its early days and nothing is set in stone. If you are interested in a house anywhere in the Town or Village, please let me know and I can set everything up for you. Many are unfurnished now, but first comers will be able to work directly with me in furnishing their homes. You can of course furnish your own home too, but I think I have pretty much anything you need to make your house the perfect medieval retreat. Each house will come with a prim allocation fitting to its size.
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Re: The Township of Llanfarian - New Medieval Roleplay World

Post by Constance Peregrine »

Will you accept the equivalent in KCs for rent? If so, at what rate? thx [just curious]
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Re: The Township of Llanfarian - New Medieval Roleplay World

Post by Ozwell Wayfarer »

Hey Mini, yes I should have mentioned that. KC are accepted for rent. 600KC per month.

To go into a little more detail, right now, the world is based from my premium account, so non-premium members time on-sim is charged at 1kc per min. I don't have this down to an exact science but the idea is certainly not to make non-premium members conscious of their time, and it is my intention for the costs to be subsidized by my store. I am aiming for an average of no more than 50% subsidization, so currently that would be 900KC (fee + 50%) - Which allows for an average of 15 hours on sim per month. I will have to look at average use over time, and the price may require adjustment up or down. It is not my intention to profit from the project, but to hopefully break even with a little help from my store and hopefully a few donations here and there from premium members.

If it turns out that the average is substantially more, the issue can be dealt with in two ways, either those that spend substantially more pay a donation for their extra time, or the rate for all goes up based on a new average.....and if it goes down, I cant picture anyone having a problem with that :). I am trying to deal with it as fairly as possible. if the sim becomes wildly successful, I will move it to a "standard world" and a new system will have to be put in place, but you will always be able to pay in KC.
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