Prim Count

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Danko Whitfield
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Prim Count

Post by Danko Whitfield »

Maybe it's there and I'm just missing it but it would be great if listings on the Market would tell the customer the prim count of an item. I'm not buying something unless I know how many prims it is. I realize the seller can put this info in the description but a lot of them don't. And anyway, I think this is a piece of info that MANY buyers want so to have it listed along with the other pertinent info just makes sense.

I'm expecting to look foolish by posting this as, even though I can't find the prim count, I'm still assuming it must be there somewhere because I can't imagine this info would have been left out.
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Re: Prim Count

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Danko,

We want to add that feature but we aren't sure what to count when a product listing includes multiple objects. There are items that are made out of many separate objects but product listings sometimes include separate items that don't have to all be rezzed at the same time (e.g the same item in different colors). We need to be able to distinguish these cases or the number we give will sometimes be misleading. We thought about adding a number next to each object but that isn't as useful as a single number. It will also make the Variation Items table more complicated and reduce its readability.
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Johnny Night
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Re: Prim Count

Post by Johnny Night »

Additionally, I'd like to see a spot for geeky tech specifications. Things like # of textures, resolution of textures, sculpts/mesh/prim, and perhaps some more mesh specific items (materials, polygons, custom physics, etc). I know not everyone cares, but your FPS might thank me later ;)
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Alexander Parrish
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Re: Prim Count

Post by Alexander Parrish »

one thing I don't like about the prim count box in SL is that you can only add a number to it, often I'd like to add a comment after a number, or in place of a number that said "see description." A check box for "see description" after a number input box would be an other way of doing that.
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Re: Prim Count

Post by Ilan Tochner »

We aim to automate whatever can be automated, the question is how/what do we count and how do we present that information so it isn't confusing?
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Zuza Ritt
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Re: Prim Count

Post by Zuza Ritt »

More then prim count I am missing info for prims/sculpted/mesh. There are still people with Imprudence and if they do not read the description, they can buy mesh item. I am writing it into Product name but I am not sure if it is not on the verge of product listing guidelines. I would like to see this kind of information in first right column with Price, maybe between Permissions: and Demo:
For merchants visible as checkbox with multiple options, because there are mixed products...

Single prim count can be very confusing when you compare attachments made by several pieces, and you use only some of them (like sculpted shorts vs. long pants with more pieces), some of attachements are not mandatory (sleeves for Tshirt) or they have more variations (hodie on or off). The total number of prims can be 100, but you will never wear more then 25.
Total prim count for meshes is even more confusing.
Prim count made automatically by total sum of all items in one variation is not much fair in some cases, if it is only provided information.

For me best info is prim count for any listed object of variation, in the column after "MCT" on each item row. But I do not know how much average user I am and it can be confusing for newcomers.

Maybe better way for buyers can be info in Price column, box not restricted for one number, but for short text. I would like to inform people like "5 prims each" or "19-21 prims" or in complex cases "See description" :)
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Ada Radius
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Re: Prim Count

Post by Ada Radius »

Thoughts on this:
Having K. Marketplace try to automatically do the prim counts isn't going to work for some situations. For example: I'm thinking of selling some of my theater builds, which are conveniently stashed in Builder Buddy or other rezzers. So the buyer would set out the rezzer prim, click and build link sets with hundreds of prims. Even adding up the nested prims wouldn't calculate the final prim count. Some of A.R.T.'s immersive sets had dozens of nested rezzers for scene changes.

I'm not sure that anyone cares about prim count for attachments? Server-side-sucking scripts and client-side-sucking texture sizes would be more relevant.

Mesh is still a bragging point, so you'll see that in the descriptions. I'm working on mesh characters that also have regular prims for flex, and maybe sculpties as well to workaround !@#$ rigging issues - writing a complete description sounds like bad Hemingway, meh. Maybe by the time I have the things actually built, I'll figure out how to write it, lol.

Maybe check boxes in the attributes for some of this stuff, so it can be filtered?

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Ozwell Wayfarer
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Re: Prim Count

Post by Ozwell Wayfarer »

My 2c regarding how mesh works in relation to prim count.

In SL, we have the spurious Land Impact or Prim Equivalence calculation, but here and indeed in all of opensim a mesh consisting of 3 pieces counts as 3 prims. Much as I hate the SL method, simply saying a complex mesh with a full detail physics model is the same as a low detail model with no physics just because it has the same number of physical pieces is also misleading. You may not notice, but your resources sure will.

One day, you will be standing in your sim, which you unknowingly packed with 50,000 poly trees and 10,000 poly rocks, swimming in virtual soup, wondering where it all went wrong :(

I know its a bit of a minefield coming to some kind of estimation like this, but I think its pretty important. A sim full of huge meshes with bad physics models and huge textures will not be a fun place to be. Buyers should be given some way to gauge how efficient a mesh model is.
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